Friday, September 2, 2011

The different colours of light.

Once again as I was learning about reflection, I realised that when white light hit a coloured surface all other colours would be absorbed and only the light which is the same colour as the surface would be able be reflected. So i decided to do some simple research on this topic. I found out that it was really through and if light is shined through a gummy bear, the light would become the same colour as said gummy bear.

gummy bears.jpg

I also found out that light could be split into many different colours and through the use of a prism. And that rainbows were also formed this was. Since a water droplet was roughly the same shape as a prism, it could also split white light into different colours. I decided to test this theory. I took the water hose in my house and sprayed it a ray of the setting sun. Through enough, a rainbow did appear in the water spray.


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